
For the first time ever, I participated in live tweeting during the Super Bowl to comment on all of the advertising. It was part of an online party hosted by Brainzooming and its leader Mike Brown. It was a blast. The event was then followed up by guest blog posts and a radio interview the next week. A good time was had by all, and in fact we are still talking about all the spots. We marketers do that!

In talking to Mike, I decided to do it again for the Oscars. February is host to so many pop culture events - the Super Bowl, the Grammy Awards, and the Oscars - it's an important time for marketers to take notice of the things that are shaping our culture. Food, Sports, Music, Entertainment, Fashion.

So I am going to host a live Twitter party during the Oscars - #OscarEXP. The show is on Sunday night, February 27th at 8:00pm ET. We'll start at 6:30pm ET so that we can catch some of the red carpet first. We will comment on the advertising, product placements, fashion mentions, and product placements. I'm sure we'll sneak in a little movie commentary too.

There will be a mix of marketers from all walks of life in participation including market researchers (thanks Mike Brown), creatives, agency leaders, strategic planners, writers and even a suit or two.

Have no fear, the marketing has already begun. The Oscar organizers themselves are hosting a design challenge. Nine designers are competing for their dress design to be featured on the Oscar stage, worn by the trophy escort. You can catch it all on the Oscar website. Obviously the Oscars are as much about fashion as they are about movies.

So please join in the conversation. Sunday night, February 27th, at 6:30 ET. On Twitter at #OscarEXP.

See you there.

What's your experience? Jim.