Not That Kind Of Girl

Before I start, I must say that I am by no means a super fan of Lena Dunham.  I don't think I'd even say I'm a fan.  I don't think she's honestly even on my radar.  If anything, I'd probably say she's over-exposed and I don't really pay attention.  Her over exposure isn't to the level of Kim Kardashian, but it's all relative.

So along comes Lena with a new book, Not That Kind Of Girl.  I never noticed TBH.

Along comes her web series to go with the book, I never noticed.

I was at a conference yesterday for The PR Council where this INCREDIBLE woman, an American woman who is Muslim was talking about prejudice.  She said to watch Lena Dunham's new web series, or at least the first episode.  She said it was "must see."

I'd do just about anything this woman told me to do.  She was that insightful, brilliant, informed, and logical.

As soon as I got home, I clicked in:

Ok, this is the first definition of feminism I have seen that absolutely 100% matches mine.  Actually, it doesn't match my definition of feminism, it matches my definition of how we should go through life, and how we should look at others.  It is exactly what I say to my daughter, and to my son.

Sold.  What's your experience?  JIM.