Rock the Vote 2014

Rock the Vote has been around for a long time now, so it's not exactly new news.

In fact, you could argue that it's become a fabric of the election season ... the only thing REALLY new (to my naked eye) are the celebrities featured to promote it.

But you can't argue with the cause ... our right to vote shouldn't be taken for granted nor should it be ignored.  We need to vote every year, even in a non-Presidential year.  So I'm happy to see it come back year after year.

There is a spin to it this time around that I hadn't noticed before.


Each of the celebs are stating why they are voting ... what they are voting for.

Reproductive rights, marriage equality, human rights, education, prison reform ... you name it.  It's your vote.

I did like the little cameo from Whoppi Goldberg too; always love a little Whoppi.  And Lena puts it out there too, which is her certainly her brand.

What will you turn out for?  What's your experience?  JIM.