Special K Own It

Perfectly imperfect.

A brand new campaign from Special K gets right at how we are living our lives "these days." It's built from the kind of thoughtful insights I try to teach my students at NYU.

We live our lives "perfectly imperfect." We can't possibly do everything perfect all at once all of the time, but we do a pretty good job of trying. And we should be proud of that!

Take a look:

And then n this 30 second video, the brand addresses the role of food in the mix:

I've long been a fan of Special K and even worked on it at one point in my career. I always thought the brand did a breakthrough job of talking about "dieting" in the context of health and wellness and at the same time indulgence. No small feat.

There are of course social elements to this as well, so that women can "join the conversation."

And some great visual representations of the campaign and the insight.

This campaign continues that original attempt from the brand, IMHO, and it has owned it for quite some time.

What's your experience? JIM