Dylan's (Baking) Candy Bar

When I saw this in the store, Michael's (arts and crafts), I thought it was pretty clever. Clever enough to blog about.

Dylan's Candy Bar has long been associated with fun mixes of colorful candy since it opened it's signature location in Manhattan, right by the infamous Bloomingdale's. The brand has expanded into many locations since then, making it less NY-exclusive and more accessible yet still in an exclusive kind of way.

I remember the first time we took our (then young) kids there...we were like kids in a the biggest candy shop ever. So many colors of M&M's!

And then the brand went beyond candy to start featuring baking decorations as well, one step away from candy in my book and evidently in their book too.

So now, logically, here in mass retailer Michael's stands an entire end-cap display of baking tools and kits, right where consumers shop for their other arts and crafts supplies, making the brand even more accessible and opening up an entire new avenue of shoppers that might not otherwise have come across the brand. With tools, not just candies.

Pretty colorful too! What's your experience? JIM