Haagen-Dazs Spirits Ice Cream

Legendary ice cream brand Haagen-Dazs just added a little boost to their line up … a collection of new ice creams flavored with spirits. Booze. Boozy Ice Cream!


They launched in Canada about a year ago, and are now available in the US. Pint flavors include Bourbon, Stout, Irish Cream, and Rum plus there’s a line of Irish Cream Cookie Squares. It’s super smart to keep the brand fresh with new flavor combinations. These make sense in particular because I’m betting that many have actually poured these spirits over Haagen-Dazs ice cream. Might as well leverage consumer behavior that’s already happening!


I thought I’d also mention that Coca-Cola recently added a new flavor as well … Orange Vanilla!


What do you think? Go? No-go? What’s your experience? JIM