Dunkin' Lip Balm

File this along with the gravy-scented candle from KFC


Dunkin’ has brought back its infamous lip balm, perhaps by popular demand. But this version isn’t shaped like a coffee cup but more like other brands in the lip balm category. So honestly, it looks more legit to my eye. And it’s flavored to replicate Dunkin’ Munchkins which are so insanely popular. Now you can “reapply” that flavor all day long, not just when popping a Munchkin.

Smart on a few levels. The last lip balm version got the brand a lot of attention, so repeating with an upgrade makes a lot of sense. And as the brand drops “Donuts” from its name, why not balance that with a flavor-experience equity move that reminds people why they love the brand so much.

It also feels so fresh and new and spring-like too.

What’s your experience? JIM

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