Canada Goose Says "Go Outside"


We’ve seen a substantial shift this year in how company’s are putting their employees first, realizing that a happy and productive employee population makes the company more successful and the brand more powerful. And as fellow human beings, it’s just the right thing to do.

Especially in a pandemic when everyone’s lives have been turned upside down. And in many cases, stuck inside.

I read a recent example of this from Canada Goose, the outdoor apparel brand from, yes, Canada.

The company is giving its employees one hour a week (paid) to spend time outside. Sort of like when retailer REI closed its operations on Black Friday to give its employees permission to #OptOutside. As a major outdoor brand, Canada Goose is highlighting its brand equity to its employees, making them brand ambassadors as such. And giving them a bit of a break.

Smart move. For those of us WFH (or anywhere for that matter), a little bit of time outdoors would do us good!

What’s your experience? JIM