It's "Black Friday" Already


In a “normal” year, we’d see Black Friday happening on the day after American Thanksgiving … a day when retailers pull out all the stops to capture early holiday shopping. Truth be told, in the past few years we’ve started to see Black Friday start earlier and earlier in that week, with each retailer attempting to capture attention first.

Since 2020 is no normal year, of course we are seeing Black Friday already starting to change. First of all, I’m not sure many folks will want to deal with large crowds and lines on any one given day just to save some money on a television. So much is going online, of course. And most of the retailers aren’t waiting for the week of Thanksgiving to start talking about Black Friday deals. Black Friday is here already.


With so much of it online, it feels more like Cyber Monday (the Monday after Black Friday when all the online deals used to get announced). As usual, all of this is getting tracked for ease of consumer use, just once again starting early.

Why not? Maybe it will all give retail the boost it needs, saving jobs. What’s your experience? JIM