Disney UK Holiday Advert

Source: Unsplash.com

Source: Unsplash.com

Last week I wrote about Amazon’s holiday entry, and this week we are starting to see more and more brands release their UK holiday adverts. It’s tradition in the UK (as quoted in “Out and About Dad”).

So last night in my NYU Class, we viewed a few holiday spots that were released this week and voted on our fav. By far and away this short film from Disney “won” with 71% of the class picking it as their pick.

I think it’s fair to say that the students were blown away, but perhaps not by what you’d expect. No one even mentioned the animation or cinematography, which surprised me to tell you the truth. They were blown away by the inclusion. The inclusion of a culture that is rarely represented … the Filipino culture. Now of course this is in anticipation of a new Disney film coming out soon that features the Filipino culture as well. The pull through is perfect. The students were enthralled.

For me, I appreciated the detailed nuances of bringing the culture to life. And I also appreciated that the holiday film was a film unto itself, which highlights the power of the Disney brand to entertain and educate and enlighten in this case. In many cases.

But I also appreciated the universal message. “From our family to yours.” The power of family, which is more important this year than ever. And how essentially we have more in common, particularly as families, than perhaps we even realize.

Thank you Disney. Happy Holidays!

What’s your experience? JIM