Calm & Reason From Unlikely (Brand) Sources


In the sea of uncertainty that we are now thrust upon, I for one look for calm and serenity. It’s too easy to get swept up in panic and anxiety, so I need to constantly remind myself to keep calm. It’s important for our mental well-being.

And yes, as a marketer, I do think that brands can contribute to the calmness that we all need right now. I actually think it’s part of our duty as brands to contribute to calm and provide reason in times like this. We are seeing it come from so many brands. Thankfully.

Yesterday I noticed two that kind of struck me by surprise.

The first one was from the brand Steak-ummm. Yes that brand! In a series of tweets (see image above), the brand reminded us to not jump to conclusions on “stories” or “one-offs” but to instead rely on data to understand the current situation. Calm. Reason. From a brand. The message was greeted with great delight, I imagine propelling the brand’s equity to a new level.

So simple!

The other brand that caught my attention was Rag & Bone, as in the fashion brand. Not necessarily the cheapest pair of jeans on the planet. The CEO posted a message on its website and then promoted in social media that the brand is lowering its prices during this crisis. In a heartfelt, NY-based letter, the CEO outlined how they too are coping with the economic effects of the pandemic and how they are re-evaluating what they do and who they are. And making their products more affordable in the meantime. Take a look here. Such calmness, such care, such reason.

So simple! Very impressive and something to be inspired by.

How can your brand contribute to our collective calmness? How can your brand provide reason? What’s your experience? JIM