Nike - "Don't Do It"


In response to the George Floyd tragedy, and many others, Nike released a new video over the weekend that turned its “Just Do It” slogan upside down. The video is in similar style to its ongoing campaign, which to my mind gives it even more authenticity. This isn’t a one-off from the brand. Take a look:

Nike was, to my eye, the first brand to weigh in on the escalating tragedy but it’s not the first time that it’s tackled the issue head on. Again giving the video more authenticity. One of its biggest competitors, Adidas shared the video on their social channels with a call for unity. I was happy to see that.

Some called the move “opportunistic,” to which I say “not at all.” Nike has showed up on this issue many times and I for one take it as a call to action to be better myself. I can be better.

Lots of other brands have started to show their support as well, something that for me provides great comfort and hope. Let’s hope it turns to action.

What’s your experience? JIM