Maya Angelou Barbie


If you read my blog, then you know I’m a bit fan of brand Barbie. It’s one of those brands that both inspires and reflects popular culture. A benchmark brand. A cultural icon. Legendary.

When you watch the moves that Barbie has made through the years, then you know the above statement to be true. Each move has either inspired or reflected our culture, and sometimes both. Move by move. The hallmark of a powerful brand. “Marketing is a spectator sport,” and Barbie is a good one to observe.

The brand’s latest move is yet another brilliant one … Barbie as Maya Angelou, the American poet and activist. Her work including television and motion picture projects have had tremendous influence. She is someone who should be repeatedly honored, which I why I am so glad to see that Barbie decided to bring her to life.

Well done. Inspiring! What’s your experience? JIM