Valentine's Day at White Castle


For years now, White Castle (as in the QSR brand) has been a “destination” for fans looking to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Yes, Valentine’s Day is a “thing.” A great brand thing. A tradition for many.

Well with CV-19, most folks can’t “reserve a table” at White Castle on Valentine’s Day like they have been able to do in prior years. But have no fear, Valentine’s Day 2021 is still happening at White Castle.

Just in your car … with a Valentine’s Day car-hop service that allows lovers to stay socially distanced. Allowing fans to keep the tradition alive!

I love seeing an iconic brand pivot with pop culture and with what’s going on in the world. It’s been a tough year, so keeping traditions alive is a meaningful way to cope. Leaning on brands to keep traditions alive is a meaningful way to cope.

Literally makes my (marketing) heart sing!

What’s your experience? JIM