A Final Salute to 2021

Source: Unsplash.com

All this week I’ve been giving year-end shout outs to brands that made an impact this year. But even as a lover of marketing, I know that none of that was all that important given the year we’ve just been through. And I also know that as bad as the year has been it would have been even worse without the COVID-19 vaccines.

So if I am to salute anything this year, it has to be the vaccines and the people behind and in front of them … the people who develop them, fund them, market them, distribute them, support them, and ultimately administer them. And also of course the people that get the jab for the good of their health, family health, community health, and global health.

Thank you. You’ve given us not only parts of our life back but also a light at the end of the tunnel towards what will eventually be a new way of life.

Salute! What’s your experience? JIM