Cornell University - Preparing Pets for Your RTO


I went to college at Cornell, so I still pay great attention to many of the moves that the University makes. I was particularly impressed with this program that Cornell put together with the Animal Medical Center in New York City to help pet owners navigate out of the pandemic.

There is one group who is not sad about the pandemic and the lock-down we’ve been experiencing …. pets. They are thrilled that we are home! But imagine the adjustment that they will have to make when we all return to the office? They’re going to be devastated! Well some of them anyway.

So Cornell put this program together to help pet owners prep their loved ones for when they aren’t home all day any longer. Quite brilliant if you ask me.

It’s a long video so take your time with it. To me it elevates both Cornell and the AMC to new levels of thought leadership. The only thing I would have added is a partnership with a pet brand or pet retailer to get some goods! But that’s the marketer in me!

What’s your experience? JIM