IKEA Meatball-Scented Candles


Remember back in the good ole’ days when KFC released its gravy-scented candle? Well now to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of its loyalty program, IKEA is releasing a candle that smells like its infamous Swedish Meatballs. Earlier this year, the brand also released its secret recipe for said meatballs but now you don’t actually have to make them to enjoy the fragrance.

The candle is part of a forthcoming “Store in a Box” gift set for brand loyalists that brings to life the IKEA store experience to relive at home. Evidently including this candle to scent up your IKEA-furnished pad.

But only for brand loyalists.

Smart idea to pre-release the candle to get some buzz. I’m sure there are many who would love the “Store in a Box” and now the brand is using one of its best assets to create pent-up demand for it.

Clever. What’s your experience? JIM

Jim JosephIKEA, KFC, retailComment