Uber Eats "Don't Run Out"

Source: Uber.com

Just in time for Halloween, Uber Eats launched a video (or actually short film) reminding us of the “horror” of running out of candy for trick or treaters on what is now a huge American and international holiday.

I don’t personally live in much of a candy neighborhood anymore, but I have to say I felt jealous hearing colleagues talk about the constant stream of trick or treaters on Halloween this year (they’re back!). And I did instantly recall that fear of running out of candy and having to face those little gremlins and goblins. And face the consequences …

So clever … and really puts Uber Eats on the map as an option for all kinds of food delivery. Especially when in a pinch. Really opens people eyes about the service, in a really pop culture entertaining way. Well done.

What’s your experience? JIM