“Change Happens at the Speed of Trust”

Source: Pixabay.com

A friend forwarded along a quote she had heard that really resonated with both of us … “Change Happens at the Speed of Trust.”

This is so true!

When I first started my career, colleagues would talk about how things are moving at the “speed of light.” Or sometimes they would say “the speed of life.” This was really more about getting stuff done, not necessarily driving change. And it was more at a micro level. And work was much “slower” back then!

Change happening at the “speed of trust” is much more macro. It’s about driving your organization forward, to greater heights, to the next level. The only way to bring. your teams along with you is making sure that they trust the direction you are taking them. Trust that they will have a place in the change. Trust that you will take care of them. The only way that will happen is if you show them where the organization is going, why it’s headed that way, and articulate their role in it all. Show them that you need them. Involve them in the thinking. Have them help you shape the change.

Transparency. Vision. Participation. Trust.

In my book “The Conscious Marketer,” I talk about how “change is a constant.” It is. I am very comfortable in change. In fact I’m uncomfortable where there’s no change because then I feel like we are going backward and not keeping up.

“Change Happens at the Speed of Trust” shows us how building trust with your teams is perhaps even more important than the change itself. Or at a minimum it comes first. Because without trust, there is no change. There is no team. There is no moving forward. People will resist and your efforts will by definition fail.

I so appreciate my friend passing along this wisdom. I’ve been processing it and carrying it with me ever so. Always will. It will guide me in change.

“Change Happens at the Speed of Trust.” What’s your experience? JIM

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