Leave the Gate Open

Source: Dreamstime

I was at an industry event just recently and the keynote speaker encouraged us to “leave the gate open” to our colleagues coming after us. “Leave the gate open” so that they can explore the possibilities that we have been pursuing. “Leave the gate open” to those who perhaps have no way of unlocking it otherwise.

“Leave the gate open” so that others can thrive with an easier journey than those before them.

It really struck me. I’ve met a few locked gates in my career, yet I’ve also had many a mentor who have unlocked them for me. Eternally grateful and I try to model my behaviors from theirs.

Because so many strive for career or life aspirations only to be facing a closed or even locked gate, with no access to the keys. They find themselves searching for ways to get through the gate, but without the means or the experience to open it up.

So if we simply “leave the gate open,” they will have much easier passage. They can learn from what we have done, and take it to another level. If we don’t “leave the gate open” then perhaps they will never get through it and never reach their destination. And if we “leave the gate open” then they too can do the same for those who come after them.

Inspired. What’s your experience? JIM

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