We Work "Great Inspires Great"

Source: WeWork India

As we all debate and wrestle with the office environment of the future, along comes WeWork India with an inspiring video that reminds us of the “great” things that happen when we do physically come together to work. The video is called “Great Inspires Great,” and I have to agree!

When we surround ourselves with great company, it helps to elevate our own game to greatness. As the brand says, “be your version of great.” I love the range of working styles, the diversity of people, and the complete inclusion. The video (and WeWork India) shows the kind of office environment where we can individually and collectively thrive. No matter who we are and no matter how we “work.”

I am striving for that in our own environment as we figure this new world order out!

What’s your experience? JIM

PS - thanks for including the dogs!