MSCHF x Crocs

If you have never heard of it, MSCHF (pronounced "mischief") is “an American art collective” based in Brooklyn, NYC. The brand has a wide range of “products” ranging from social media to browser plugins to fashion to other “physical” products. The brand is a bit famous for its BRB (Big Red Boots).

Yup, those are some big red boots.

Well the brand recently collaborated with Crocs, one of the cooler brands to suddenly get hot hot hot during the pandemic to create what I will call BYB (Big Yellow Boots).

Yup, those are some big yellow boots. Looking like a total mix of the two products, Crocs x MSCHF BRB

And the brand got a little celebrity shine as well …

This is fashion! High fashion or low fashion, either way it’s fashion. Likely a perfect collaboration between two brands that have a similar aesthetic, one borrowing the cult nature of the brand (MSCHF) while the other borrowing the more mass appeal (Crocs) … making a match made in, well, heaven. Or for the streets at the very least. Street fashion at its best.

What say you? What’s your experience? JIM

PS - Here’s the classic yellow Crocs for reference!