2025 Affirmations

Source: Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

A bit ago, I gave up doing New Year’s Resolutions. Partly because mine were almost always the same every year and partly because by the middle of February I had already broken a few of them, and certainly by the middle of the year they were long gone. In my view, New Year’s Resolutions are too weighty, too hard and fast, and too all or nothing. And hence, generally broken. What’s the point of that?!?

So I switched to a New Year’s Intention a few years ago. Things like “doing better,” or “trying harder,” or “being more creative,” but quite honestly those turned out to be too broad for me. I couldn’t quite see if I was living up to the intention, if you know what I mean.

Mind you, it’s not that those goals didn’t work at all, because on some level those resolutions and intentions did help start out each new year … they got me thinking more purposefully about my behaviors and actions which is the point. But I’m not sure they were doing what I wanted them to be doing for me.

So last year, and now this year too, I’m going with Affirmations … a New Year’s Affirmation. For 2024, I called it a “motto,” (same thing in my book) and it came from an unlikely source … “Why Not?!?” … and it worked for me for the most part. I fell off of it a bunch of times to be honest but it did guide me many times through the year.

Once again looking for inspiration for my 2025 Affirmation, I looked to the universe and (yes) I played one of those social media games where the first four words you see in a complicated puzzle maze will signal what your new year will be all about.

I played, I saw, and now I will use these four words (in order received) as my 2025 Affirmations …





I’ll take it and I’ll own it.

I know I’ll need strength to navigate the change that we know is a constant in our lives, our careers, our families, and in our culture.

And with every step of that change, I will hold gratitude for still being able to be a part of it, with everyone that I am with.

I’ve always been proud of my creativity, and I commit to push that forward in the change that will come this year.

And I know that with that creativity comes a need to be even more bold than I have ever been before as new technologies and new marketplace needs require it, to remain relevant as a professional, a brand, and a marketing partner.

Words to live by in 2025. I like this affirmation thing.

What is your 2025 Affirmation? What’s your experience? JIM