Wearing Schwag

I actually had to look up how to spell this word:  schwag.  I've heard it so many times through the years, but I'm not sure I've ever seen it in writing.

According to Wikipedia, schwag means:  promotional items given to employees, visitors to trade shows, etc.  You know, those tacky fake polo shirts with a company's logo on them ... I've made many of them through the years!  And t-shirts, hats, pens, pads of paper, mugs, etc.  The list goes on, and if you are like me there's an office cabinet full of them.

Now you know I love branding, and you know I love logos.  But here's the problem ... this isn't fashion and it certainly isn't personal branding.  So just like my recent post about men NOT wearing flip flops, I must once again make a statement about wearing schwag.

There is a time and a place for schwag.  Like when exercising or cleaning the garage or sleeping or lazying around on a Sunday afternoon.  Or even, dare I say it, at a sales conference when everyone else is wearing it too.

Or if you are in college and you're wearing your school pride, then that's ok too.  When I visit Penn State, all I see is Penn State schwag and it's fun.

But to work?  On a night out?  On a Saturday afternoon spending time with family and friends?


Schwag is not clothing, and it's not fashion.  It's meant for a specific purpose which is not to be paired with a pair of khakis and worn to the office or on a date.

Please guys, have a little personal style.  Pay a little attention to your personal brand ... no schwag please.

What's your experience?  Jim.

Jim Joseph
President, Cohn & Wolfe NA
Author, The Experience Effect series
Professor, NYU