"Get Back to What You Love" from Google

Source: Unsplash.com

Source: Unsplash.com

As the date for my second Pfizer vaccine is just days away now, I am very conscious of life starting to feel real again. I literally had a tear come to my eye with the first vaccination … not because of any pain from the needle but from the intense feeling of closure. This may actually all be over.

As someone who has worked in healthcare marketing my entire career, I understand the impact that science can have on our lives. We now also all know how personal health impacts family health impacts community health impacts global health. And how science can improve it.

In true Google style, this new video captures the sentiment in the context of search. How what we’ve been searching for has dramatically changed and will change again as we all can soon “get back to what you love.”

Thank you Pfizer, J&J, AZ, and Moderna … and everyone else who has contributed to us getting our lives back. And thank you Google for giving us access to life-shaping information as we navigate this pandemic together. Great brands doing great things for our world.

Stay safe, stay well … what’s your experience? JIM